Friday, January 28, 2011

The Breath of God

I'm in the midst of an online class entitled "Praying with the Elements: Water,Wind, Earth & Fire." The first element we've explored is Wind. Wind is the physical manifestation of the Breath of God which created us all, which surrounds us and sustains our lives. Without Breath/Air/Wind, we cease to exist. How much I take for granted this life-sustaining gift from God! The Divine Presence in the Wind is life giving and inspiring, or it can be the whirlwind of life's storms and sorrows. In all forms, though, it is God-With-Us. Occasionally, the Breath takes a visual form like these puffy, wind-inflated clouds over Cadrieu. Sometimes it can be seen in swirling leaves, billowing sails, or soaring birds. Let yourself be reminded each time you see such images that this, indeed, is the Breath of God cradling you and making your life possible.

As I read Christine's book that accompanies this class, there are many Biblical and scholarly references to wind and the Breath of God. My favorite (for today anyway!) is from Theophilus of Antioch:
"God has given to the earth the breath which feeds it. It is his breath that gives life to all things. And if he were to withhold his breath, everything would be annihilated. His breath vibrates in yours, in your voice. It is the breath of God that you breathe--and you are unaware of it."
Be aware always; God breathes in you.
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