Elizabeth's homily last evening was taken from Mark 6:30-34. These are the verses that lead up to the 'feeding of the 5,000' story that we are so familiar with. Jesus has sent the apostles out to preach the Good News, to cast out demons, and to heal; they've returned, exhausted by their travels. As they begin to tell Jesus about their work, he stops them, saying "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while." How kind and compassionate Jesus is to recognize their weariness and offer them time to replenish themselves! Asking each of us to think about our bosses at work, Elizabeth challenged us to decide if this is how our boss would treat us at the end of a big project or after a particularly busy time at work. Does your boss tell you take some time off? does he/she offer to take you to a place of rest and relaxation so you can recharge your batteries? would you even want to spend 'down' time with your boss? I know how I answered those questions. Who is your Boss? Is he important enough for you to spend quiet time with him? He asks you to do that....how do you respond to his kindness and compassion? I definitely know which Boss I want to work for; how about you?
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