Saturday, October 10, 2009

What Color is Your House?

It's a cold, snowy day in Iowa. I looked out my window this morning onto a world of grey and white...early winter had arrived. To lighten my spirits, I decided to blog about colorful Collioure at Musings from Red Bell Farm. And sure enough, I left home headed to church for our Centering Prayer workshop with summer in my heart. God's blessing of a wonderful trip to France provided me with yet another blessing with its memory on this dreary Iowa day. As I walked into church, I was immediately captured by colors on the wall. The pre-school class had painted lively pictures of their houses and hung them for all to see.

Hearts filled with God's love, these little ones paint their world and their houses with vibrant color. When I ignore God's loving presence or forget to be grateful for His many blessings, my world becomes sad and grey, and my heart becomes heavy. By offering my gratitude in prayer, I welcome God's vibrancy back into my life. My house is full of bright color. Is your heart filled with God's love? Is your world cold and dreary? Could remembering God's blessings fill you with colorful gratitude? What color is your house today?

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