Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Friend

My friend, who is my age, has wanted to be a priest since she was a little girl. All through her life God kept nudging her towards the priesthood. He even talked the Episcopal church into ordaining women to help her out! Like the rest of us, she always had reasons that it couldn't be God whose plan this was. After all, seminary would be too hard, too expensive, too time-consuming. She was a wife....a mom...not a student. And most recently came the biggest excuse of all..."I'm too old." I was with her at a retreat the weekend that God not only nudged her, but poked her hard in the ribs and slapped her up side of her head. "Yes!" I said, "you should go for it." And she did  She started the process and is now in seminary. She's going to be a marvelous priest! She's smart, loving, open and compassionate. She's deeply spiritual and fiercely committed to living a life in Christ. I'm very proud of her. Here's my question, though. Why is so easy to see God's plan for other peoples' lives, yet so hard to discern His will for mine? Anyone have an answer?

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