Sunday, January 18, 2009

In the Face of Danger

I'm still digesting last evening's church service and homily delivered by Fr. Samuel Peni, an ordained Episcopal priest from Sudan. His sermon was about hearing and heeding God's call in our lives; more on that in another post. After the service, Fr. Peni showed a few slides and talked a bit about Sudan, especially southern Sudan where he has his parish in the Yambio Diocese. Many things to think about...lack of schools, dismal literacy rate, poor and absent healthcare facilities, poor nutrition, lack of clean water, and a very complicated political environment that has not been much improved by a tenuous peace agreement that will be in effect for only another two years. What really hit home to me, though, was the dangerous environment in which he and his family live. Civil war rages throughout the countryside. He told a story of his wife gathering up their six children in the middle of the night and fleeing to the bush to hide from a group of marauding soldiers. He talked about the Lord's Resistance Army that marches boldly across the border from Uganda maiming and killing. The picture above is from a protest in Yambio against these atrocities. He spoke of his own life being in danger because he dares to speak out and tell the truth about what is happening in Sudan.. While he is in the United States studying for the school year, his family is in Uganda because it's not safe for them to stay in Sudan while he is away. When he was asked what he'll do after he finishes his Master's degree, he didn't hesitate: "I will go back to Sudan to my church. It's home." Fr. Peni is a quiet, soft-spoken man, a devout Christian, and a loving and caring husband and father, yet he and his family will return to the danger and hardship of his war-torn country. I worried about this as I fell asleep last night; I was worrying about it still this morning as I opened my daily devotional, The Upper Room. As He frequently does, God left a message for me there.
The message is that nothing...not hardships, not governments, not things to come, not even death...can "separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Fr. Peni believes this, and it makes him strong in the face of danger. Am I faithful enough to believe it too?

1 comment:

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I'm so inspired by Christians that are really living out the Christian life ... even at the risk to their own. We're so comfortable here ... I can't even imagine packing up all my kids to try to save their lives in the face of a very real danger. It's a choice to make though ... if called, we need to step up if we really do believe what the Scriptures say. Thanks for sharing that.

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