Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Theme of Solitude

It seems that God has theme going on for me this weekend. At yesterday's prayer group, I discussed what solitude means to me in the context of making intentional time to be with God on a routine basis. Our study book, "Out of Solitude" referenced verses in the New Testament, Mark 1:32-39. Last evening Elizabeth's homily was based on these same verses including verses 29-31. And like our study group, Elizabeth focused not on the miracles of healing, but on the short quiet sentence in between the action which tells us that Jesus left the group and went away, alone, to pray. Again the theme was taking time to be with God in solitude. She expanded on this theme to include being balanced in all of our lives by not only taking time to be with God, but also taking time to replenish our minds and bodies emotionally and physically. Last night I picked up another of Nouwen's books, "The Way of the Heart" that speaks about the spirituality of the desert Fathers and Mothers. Again...solitude was front and center, this time explaining the need for those in the ministry to withdraw from the world periodically to get in touch with God again.

I'm astute enough to realize that God is sending me a message here; I don't have a clue what it means. I'll continue to read and study, tho, and seek His meaning for me in this theme.

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