Saturday, March 28, 2009

Is It Thunder or an Angel I Hear?

The Gospel reading at church this evening was from John 12:20-33. It speaks of Jesus' foreshadowing his death to the crowd at Bethany and is the preview for the Passion which is to come. As Mary was reading, however, the story wasn't what called my attention. Buried within the story are words that made me catch my breath.... "Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again." The crowd standing by heard it and said that it had thundered. Others said, "An angel has spoken to him." Some heard thunder; others heard the words of God's angel. It made me stop and wonder. How many times have I missed God's voice? How many times have I dismissed His words as only noise or distractions or silly thoughts? Was it God's angel that whispered in my dreams? Was that crazy idea I had the result of too little sleep or too much sugar? What if He speaks and I don't recognize His voice? I worry about that a lot and pray that He will be patient with me....and repetitive!

Is it thunder or is that an angel I hear?

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