Sunday, March 22, 2009


Elizabeth preached on an interesting combination of scriptures last evening. The verses from John 3: 14-21 were both familiar and comforting as they contain the famous verse John 3:16..."For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." As Elizabeth said this is probably the most memorized verse in the Bible, and it pops up everywhere...on roadside signs, at ball games, on bumper stickers. But have you ever paid attention to verse 14 that introduces it: "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness..." The reading from Numbers 21:4-9 explained
what John was referencing. In Numbers the Israelites were whining...again. As they wandered in the wilderness, they became discouraged and began to doubt God. First they whined about no food, then about lack of water, and then they didn't like the food they had. Whine, whine, whine. So what did God do...He sent poisonous snakes, fiery serpents. Of course, they didn't like that either since several of them died when bitten. Like contrite children, they asked Moses to tell God that they were sorry, they wouldn't whine anymore, and couldn't He take the serpents away? I'm sure Moses really hated petitioning God once again on behalf of the whiners, but he did. And what did God do? He told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a stick. He did not take the snakes away, but he told the people that if they would turn and look at the bronze snake, they would not die from being bitten. It must have worked since in the next verses, the people of Israel set out again on their journey.
What does this all have to do with me? Do I not spend the majority of my time in prayer whining to God about how unhappy I am with my life? asking for him to show me his will for me? begging for God to make my dreams come true? Don't I feel overwhelmed by the world and the forces in it that make me uncomfortable? Are these not my 'snakes?' Is God going to take them away? No...but he is going to send Elizabeth to me with her sermon reminding me that if I look to God, he will stand by me. The 'snakes' won't poison or kill me if I keep my focus where it should be...on the one who made me, who loves me, and who promises to always be with me.

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