Saturday, February 6, 2010

Words of Wisdom for Lazarus

The mist is beginning to clear from my brain and my heart is starting to 'get it.' My world turned upside down this week and for a brief moment, I wondered just where God was in all this turmoil. Today as I read my daily meditation by Father Keating, I began to see more clearly how He works. The question Fr. Keating poses is: what illness did Lazarus die from? And his answer is: his false self. Jesus did not intervene sooner because Lazarus' false self had to die before he could be transformed. The false self is the part of us that hangs onto "security, survival, affection & esteem, power & control, and from overidentifcation with a particular group or role." Lazarus represents me, living in the "Night of Spirit who feels imprisoned and forgotten by God." So what does God do? He lets the false self die and then "calls to me to come out of the darkness, confinement, loneliness, dereliction and grief." I was beginning to think God wanted me stuck here, in this place that is so NOT me doing things that make my spirit so sad, when really He didn't. So, He turned my life inside out and called to me, "Come out!" I'm excited and ready to respond.

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