Saturday, August 14, 2010

Monk Manifesto

While my weekend Cursillo experience taught me about the joy of living in community, I am basically a monastic at heart. Quiet contemplation and solitude are what soothe my soul. Both Benedictine and Ignatian rules of life attract me with their balance of quiet, contemplation, hospitality, and action in the world. I love the structure of their rules. Benedictines sing the Psalms 6 or 7 times a day. Those following St. Ignatius 'examine' their lives daily to identify where God was present, thank Him for His blessings and ask for His grace in the day to come. They pray and meditate with vivid imagination. I read a blog called Abbey of the Arts written by Christine Valters Paintner who is a contemporary monk and a Benedictine oblate. She has challenged her readers to read and sign her "Monk Manifesto." I've not only signed it, but I'm also receiving her 7-day free Monk in the World e-course, a daily email with a reflection, a meditation and a prayer blessing. Although I can't live in this beautiful cloister at the St. Etienne Church in Cahors, I can live as a 'monk in the world' here at Red Bell Farm.

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